Many seminars are offered during the academic year to enrich the intellectual pursuit of our students. National and international reputable scientists, educators, or industry professionals are invited to speak in the computer science colloquia, seminars, or in the lecture series sponsored by a corporation, Computer Science Society, Student Chapter of ACM, or the UPE Honor Society. Computer Science Department Colloquium: Vaibhavi Tiwari (MyGreen Health): The Invisible Battlefield of Ransomware, Data Breaches, and AI-Powered Attacks (4/9/2025) Dr. Cyril S. Ku is the coordinator for the Computer Science Department Colloquium. Please contact Dr. Ku ( for more information regarding the colloquium. UPS Computer Information Technology Lecture Series*: Dr. Anthony James Scriffignano (Stimson Center): Data Science in the Context of Hyperdisruption: Everything is Changing at the Same Time (4/16/2024) - Presentation Slides Dr. Ping Ji (John Jay College of Criminal Justice & CUNY Graduate Center): Digging Down Under the Surface of the Internet (4/12/2023) - Presentation Slides Dr. Marc A. Smith (Connected Action Consulting Group & Social Media Research Foundation): Charting Collections of Connections in Social Media: Creating Maps and Measures with NodeXL (4/6/2022) - Presentation Slides Dr. Thomas J. Marlowe (Seton Hall University): The Four Principles of Software Engineering (4/16/2021) - Presentation Slides Dr. Edward Chapel (NJEdge): Communicating and Engaging in the Digital Age (4/16/2019) - Presentation Slides Mr. Steve Lutinski (Verizon Enterprise Solutions): The Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (4/6/2018) - The UPS Computer Information Technology Lecture Series was part of The 4th Annual Cyber Security and Big Data Analytics Symposium program. Dr. Steven M. Bellovin (Columbia University): Computers, Society, and the Law (4/6/2017) - Presentation Slides Dr. Mung Chiang (Princeton University): SDP: Smart Data Pricing from Theory to Deployment (4/13/2016) - Presentation Slides *The UPS Computer Information Technology Lecture Series is made possible by a generous grant from the UPS Foundation of UPS.