Cybersecurity Research Lab (CRL)

CRL is led by Dr. Kiho Lim. Protecting cyber-infrastructures, including computer networks, Fog/Edge/Cloud systems, mobile devices, servers, and data, from malicious attacks is paramount to our society as it helps to safeguard against risks and harmful influences. Our CRL faculty and student research assistants take a holistic approach to studying fundamentals of cyberattacks and developing solutions for detecting and preventing malicious attacks. The CRL supports research projects in various areas ranging from understanding the security of wired and wireless networks, as well as developing network protocols with enhanced security requirements for new technologies such as the security of autonomous driving.

CRL is located in HSCIE 5008 and HSCIE 1019, equipped with many research desktop machines.

CRL was recognized as the best campus improvement by New Jersey business publication ROI-NJ’s 2022 higher education influencers list: William Paterson News.

It was highlighted in the WP Magazine: WP Magazine.

CRL-2022 WP-Mag-2022